Wednesday, August 28, 2013


What Is Love? August 28, 2013 by Amy Chan 0 Love Comments Amy Profile Picture Standard.jpgLove is appreciating and being thankful everyday for the person you have, and treating them with care and thoughtfulness. Love is not waiting until you lose that person to know this. Love is remembering the power of those three words, I love you, I love you, I love you. Love is making decisions for “we”. It’s having the forethought and consideration to know that anything that is going on with you, any problem, any success – is also happening to your partner. Love is nourishing your body and making your health a priority. Because when you’re sick, it’s the people around you that suffer the most. Because you want to be able to maximize your time on earth being a partner, a parent and a friend. Love is being the best person you can be, every day. It is waking up and making the choice to act with integrity, honesty, loyalty, and commitment. It is choosing to act with love over fear, even when you are in pain. It is acting with dignity and grace regardless of how angry or upset you may be. Love is forgiving. Love is wanting the best for your partner, even if that sometimes means to let them go… Love is commitment. Love is a verb, not a noun. Love is not fleeting; it does not come and go with the feelings and emotions of the day. Love is not dictated by lust, rather, lust is just one of its many forms. And while love may not look like how it was portrayed in fairytales, it is magical. Because for love you will make sacrifices, you will be selfless and you will say sorry even when you know you are right. And when you hit a roadblock where the odds seem stacked against the survival of your relationship, you will fight for it with everything you’ve got. Because love is worth it. Because the person you have chosen to commit to is worth it. Sometimes you will do things for love without rhyme or reason. And sometimes love is the only reason you need.


Find Love- Find Your Mate With Brainwave Stimulation The Secrets to Help You Find Love Love is the single most important emotion anyone will ever feel. And yet some people find it exceedingly difficult to find that right person to love. It seems almost like a magical gift that some people receive while others are left out in the cold. But just as with so many things in our lives, love (and the ability to find it) is little more than a state of mind. And by finding the exact harmonic frequencies of people who naturally attract love you too can find yourself in a fulfilling relationship. What about our minds keeps us from finding the love we all want? In our most natural state, everyone can both love and be loved. It is life's gift that makes it all worth going through. And yet somehow we get lost along the way. We lose sight of the true meaning of relationships and become nervous about interacting with our potential love interests. But it shouldn't be that way, and thanks to our love entrainment recording it doesn't have to be! You too can live a life full of those wonderful emotions you've seen so often in others. You too can be much loved. Love is attracted to love. Deep down we all know that those who find someone special have become tuned in to their own ability to feel positively toward others. It is this intimate connection some of us have with the rest of the human race that naturally allows others to gravitate toward us. And when we become isolated due to a painful past or fears about the future, we lose this ability to love. And tragically others find it difficult to love someone who cannot love them back. The result? Unfortunately, these people often find themselves in difficult and emotionally draining situations or simply let relationships pass them by altogether. But it shouldn't be that way. You can start to change the world by filling your own life with the kind of love others find intoxicating and attractive. By being open with others and connecting in ways you once thought impossible you too can quickly achieve the level of love you thought once was only a fairy tale. Everyone wants to find their soul mate. But even if you have found yours, are you truly connecting with them in the way you always knew you could? What kind of life would you lead if each morning you woke up grateful just to be near that special someone? There's a void in the lives of so many of us. That void cannot be filled with material possessions. It can only be filled with love. What if you could flip a switch and open your heart? What would you do with it? Who would you finally open up to? Our entrainment therapy specializes in those who wish to attract love and fill their lives with more fulfillment than ever before. We can help you find it within yourself to live a more fulfilled and happy life. Facts to Consider: Too often people are injured by the past and close themselves off from love. Imagine a world where everyone were capable of loving you. Even if you've been with someone a long time, our recording can help bring you closer together. So many relationships with limitless potential are stopped short by the very things our recordings work to remove. Intimacy with someone you love is infinitely more rewarding than any other time. How Can We Help? By stimulating your brainwaves with our Low Theta frequency, your feelings of fear and isolation will melt away. To put it simply, you will be thinking like someone who is ready for that special someone. Then we put you in an Alpha state you will feel the kinship with others you've always desired. Conversations with others will become easier, social anxiety around lovers will diminish, and your mind will allow positive emotions to rise up within yourself. A positive emotional sensation has been reported in users who have allowed this frequency to work within themselves. Let these positive emotions thrive and soon you'll be looking into the beautiful eyes of your lover and recognizing the right emotions within you. The rest will come naturally. How Does It Work? Binaural Beats- Sine wave generators are used to create two separate frequency waves, which are introduced to each ear independently. The brain reacts by creating a third tone, making up the difference of the two. It instantly reacts to these frequencies causing a Shift In Consciousness. Using this technology, your brain can be programmed to weed out interferences and open up the communication channels inside your mind that are blocked by your own consciousness. Isochronic Tones- If you are looking for the most effective type of brainwave entrainment, Isochronic tones are the way to go. Isochronic Tones also use equal intensity tones, but the pulse speed is greater, causing the brain to synchronize with the rhythm. In 1999, Thomas Budzynski Ph.D. published a case in the Journal of Neurotherapy which showed that a group of 8 college students increased their GPA with the use of audio brainwave stimulation, and their GPA continued to increase even after the brainwave entrainment was finished.... Usage Suggestions As your body drifts into a relaxed Theta state you will feel negative memories that have blocked you for a long time drifting away as if they never happened. These negative emotions serve to block your ability to find love. Many of the things that have bothered you and isolated you will simply melt away and you will find yourself ready to talk to others. Let yourself feel the good in others as well as in yourself. With these positive new emotions, you will be able to get out and approach people more readily and fear interacting with them a lot less. And if that alone isn't enough to help you, the second half then lets your brain coast into a more mild relaxed state where you can start actively generating these positive emotions yourself and bring them into your more permanent consciousness. It's easy to isolate yourself, but you miss out on so much good in the world! After your personality becomes more loving you will find it comes back to you ten-fold.


Ego Control Made Easy With Isochronic Audio Ego Control For The Better Everyone needs to have confidence in order to function well within social groups. We need to be sure of ourselves, have faith in the things we say, and rebuff attacks on our sense of well being and self esteem. But occasionally, this confidence gets out of control leading to an ego problem that can result in many of the same issues a lack of confidence can. Our ego control entrainment therapy is designed to help those of us who have an inflated ego deflate it a bit to ensure it doesn't interfere with our lives. Those with egos too large for their own good will undertake tasks far beyond their ability. Rather than honing their skills and focusing on what they can accomplish, they are too wrapped up in the fight to become the best and as a result rob themselves of the journey it takes to actually get there. Obviously, most people with inflated egos do not know they have them. And many people whose egos are wildly out of control still need reinforcement in their confidence. An ego out of control typically is only counterbalanced by a crushing defeat. Why wait for an event that causes so much pain to help you get your ego where it needs to be? Our ego control program will help you get an accurate picture of your capabilities without forcing yourself into a difficult situation. When is Ego dangerous? It's generally dangerous to yourself and others when you confidently take on tasks and dangers that are simply beyond your ability. Someone with an ego out of control will distance themselves from others and even lose relationships that were once important to them. Though they may feel they are the greatest thing on Earth at first, they will eventually realize they have overextended themselves and lose everything they once thought important. It's important to reflect on yourself and take heed of warning signs to ensure you don't end up ruining the incredible and exciting life you have in store, just for the sake of an illusion. When does Ego disconnect you from others? There are various unkind words in the English language used to describe people whose egos are out of control. These words emphasize the importance we all place on a dose of character. When we are a little humbled, connections come easier between people and make certain our friends and relatives know we appreciate them. A well placed joke aimed to poke fun at oneself can do more to create bonds of familiarity than all the boasting in the world. Facts to Consider: Knowing when to boast and when to be humble is a good way to create strong and lasting ties. Just as you can't boast convincingly if you don't believe in yourself, you cannot fake knowing your weaknesses With an out of control ego you will fool yourself into accepting all challenges yourself rather than asking for help when you need it most. One of mankind's greatest assets is cooperation. Learn to use it painlessly Humble people are seen as virtuous and more secure with themselves than those with out of control egos How Can We Help? By utilizing High Alpha and Low Beta tones at precise frequencies, your neural pathways strengthen, and you gain an honest evaluation of your strengths as well as areas that must be improved. These frequencies work miracles with self image because they enhance your ability to see the whole picture while allowing you to truly get in touch with your real talents. They are specifically designed to help you get a firm and strong image of your real strengths so you can flaunt them through action in ways people will notice and not just through word of mouth, while curbing irrational vanities and hubris. How Does It Work? Binaural Beats- Sine wave generators are used to create two separate frequency waves, which are introduced to each ear independently. The brain reacts by creating a third tone, making up the difference of the two. It instantly reacts to these frequencies causing a Shift In Consciousness. Using this technology, your brain can be programmed to weed out interferences and open up the communication channels inside your mind that are blocked by your own consciousness. By promoting honesty in the mind through the connections made here, we ensure you don't risk the pitfalls of an out of control ego. Isochronic Tones- If you are looking for the most effective type of brainwave entrainment, Isochronic tones are the way to go. Isochronic Tones also use equal intensity tones, but the pulse speed is greater, causing the brain to synchronize with the rhythm. In 1999, Thomas Budzynski Ph.D. published a case in the Journal of Neurotherapy which showed that a group of 8 college students increased their GPA with the use of audio brainwave stimulation, and their GPA continued to increase even after the brainwave entrainment was finished.... Usage Suggestions When you listen to the ego control recording, try to put yourself in a third person perspective and take a deep look at yourself. View your morals and actions in an unbiased way and you will soon be able to see what needs improvement. Once you have them narrowed down, you can begin corrective actions and increase your overall value. Particularly useful for those involved in occupations and relationships where confidence is a necessity, and ego can get in the way, leading to poor judgment.


Love Making Beta Recording- Play While Making Love Love Making Skills for a Better Intimate Life How Valuable is a Better Love Life? It's no mystery that some people do better than others in the love department. But the most important thing that makes lovemaking healthy and fulfilling is the human mind. Those who are dynamite lovers are that way because their minds are open, willing, creative, and committed to a mutually fulfilling and positive experience. But there's a little more to it than just that. There's a certain spark to truly incredible love making that can be generated only from an unspoken intensity that wells up from the emotional centers of the brain more than the biological ones. English has only one word for love, but those who have experienced it can tell you that love is not defined so simply. There is a deeper emotion, for which there is no real word in our language. It is this emotion that our lovemaking recording stimulates. And with it, we allow you to truly become a master of the senses and have climactic experiences unlike anything you dreamed possible. And this experience can be shared with that special someone in new ways each time. But we help with more tangible elements of the experience as well. After using our recording you will discover that your confidence has greatly increased as well. The very act of tapping into this deeper and more powerful form of love will allow you to instantly change the landscape of your relationship into what you've always dreamed of. Each new day (and night) will become an adventure. Every new experience will bring you both to the pinnacle of experience. And as you find yourself performing in ways you never thought you could, your relationship will thrive as well. And no relationship security is greater than an incredible love life. Facts to Consider: The most important elements of lovemaking happen within the mind. This gift will help your partner as much as yourself live a better life. Everyone can use some help, but it's all within you right now. With the proper mindset even the most casual relationship can become an incredible adventure. How Can We Help? Whether you use it shortly before or during your most intimate moments, this recording will unleash the most impressive and fulfilling lovemaking centers of your brain to allow them to work together for a truly satisfying experience for both you and your partner. The frequencies we use start you off in a Beta state so you are open, relaxed, and confident of yourself. Imagine a life where something you and your partner share is truly more satisfying than anything either of you have ever experienced in your lives. Imagine the satisfaction of knowing each time will be the best for both of you, to be topped only by the next adventure you both will share. How Does It Work? Binaural Beats- Sine wave generators are used to create two separate frequency waves, which are introduced to each ear independently. The brain reacts by creating a third tone, making up the difference of the two. It instantly reacts to these frequencies causing a Shift In Consciousness. Using this technology, your brain can be programmed to weed out interferences and open up the communication channels inside your mind that are blocked by your own consciousness. Isochronic Tones- If you are looking for the most effective type of brainwave entrainment, Isochronic tones are the way to go. Isochronic Tones also use equal intensity tones, but the pulse speed is greater, causing the brain to synchronize with the rhythm. In 1999, Thomas Budzynski Ph.D. published a case in the Journal of Neurotherapy which showed that a group of 8 college students increased their GPA with the use of audio brainwave stimulation, and their GPA continued to increase even after the brainwave entrainment was finished...