Thursday, July 18, 2013


One of the most common practices found in the world’s great spiritual traditions is fasting. The Buddha refrained from food and drink during his period of asceticism – and Buddhist monks fast on the new moon and full moon each month. Fasting is an integral part of the Hindu religion. And abstaining from food and drink from sunup to sundown during Ramadan is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. The Bible contains dozens of references to fasting. It is prescribed as preparation for an important event (Judges 20:26, I Samuel 14:24), as a mourning rite (II Samuel 1:12, 12:16-23), and as a form of atonement (Jonah 3:5, Jeremiah 36:9). In the New Testament, Jesus fasts for 40 days. In the Old Testament, Moses does (twice). Orthodox Jews fast during Yom Kippur, Tzom Gedaliah, and Purim. Early Christians fasted every Wednesday and Friday. Many do today during Advent, Pentecost, the Assumption or Lent. For skeptics, of course, fasting evokes some of the worst associations with religion: irrationality, guilt, self-denial, or punishment. But practitioners contend it is a way of purifying and recharging. Fasting strengthens temperance and self-control. It can be a time to focus on your inner life rather than your physical needs. And it promotes humility and empathy. After all, is it not easier to identify with the plight of the world’s hungry when your own stomach is rumbling? Now science is trumpeting the benefits of fasting, as well. Research shows that nothing is more effective in increasing human lifespan than caloric restriction. But during fasting periods, the body also kicks into repair mode, fixing and protecting tissues, organs and the nervous system. And it can lead to a powerful sense of catharsis, especially for those who have overindulged in processed or unhealthy foods. In short, this ancient spiritual practice is gaining millions of secular adherents today. Why? Because the scientific evidence in favor of it is unequivocal. Just ask Dr. Michael Mosley. Mosley trained as a doctor at the Royal Free Hospital in London, but after passing his medical exams joined the BBC and began making science documentaries. He has won numerous awards, including being named Medical Journalist of the Year by the British Medical Association. His 2012 documentary “Eat, Fast, and Live Longer”, viewed by more than 30 million people worldwide, has become something of a sensation. Dr. Mosley insists there is nothing else you can do for your body that is as positive and powerful as fasting. He points to mountains of evidence – and his own personal experience – to prove it. Fasting doesn’t have to mean giving up food for an entire day. Dr. Mosley’s recommended technique is intermittent fasting. He recommends consuming a quarter of your regular calorie intake on two nonconsecutive days each week. That’s 600 calories for men and 500 for women. For obvious reasons, it’s called a 5:2 Diet – five days on and two off. But calling it a “diet” is a misnomer, really. Diets are about what you eat. Intermittent fasting is about not eating. With this plan, there are no complicated rules to follow, no recipes to learn, no points to add up, and no lists of foods you can or can’t consume. Instead of saying “no” all the time, you get to have a life. You can plan ahead and still enjoy yourself at parties, cookouts and banquets. You get to eat all the foods you enjoy most of the time. And there are numerous health benefits. Studies indicate that intermittent fasting: Improves your cholesterol count and blood glucose levels. Moves you closer to a Body Mass Index of 25 or less, reducing your risk of high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, strokes, gallbladder disease, colon and breast cancer, osteoarthritis and respiratory problems. Improves IGF-1 – a hormone that prevents cell death and slows the aging process – reducing the risk of a number of age-related diseases. Switches on millions of repair genes in response to the minor physiological stress of fasting. Gives your pancreas a rest, boosting the effectiveness of the insulin it produces. Promotes an enhanced sense of wellbeing. Many fasters report a “glow,” perhaps the result of something going on at a metabolic level that governs our moods. Why is intermittent fasting so good for you? Scientists hypothesize that it is because human beings evolved in an environment where food was often scarce. We are the product of hundreds of thousands of years of feast or famine. Intermittent fasting mimics the environment in which our bodies and genes were shaped. Your body is exquisitely adapted to respond to stresses and shocks in a way that makes it tougher and healthier. (The scientific term is hormesis.) When you severely restrict your calorie intake, you “fool” your body into believing it is in a potential famine situation. It switches from its ordinary “go-go” mode to a maintenance mode. And that leads to a cornucopia of health benefits. Intermittent fasters generally make some unexpected discoveries. They find they commonly eat not because they’re hungry but because they’re bored, thirsty, or just because food happens to be in front of them. We eat from habit, or because it’s a certain hour, or because we are afraid that if we don’t we will be hungry later. There are a number of common misperceptions about fasting, too. The first is that it is incredibly difficult. You might imagine that hunger builds and builds until it becomes unendurable and you find yourself face down in the local pizza buffet. The reality is that hunger comes and goes in waves, then passes. We tend to assume that fasting makes it harder to concentrate. Yet fasters report that it sharpens their senses and concentration. Most believe fasting will make them irritable. But studies show it improves mood and protects the brain from dementia and cognitive decline. Of course, the biggest misperception is that if you fast one day you’ll just blow it by pigging out the next. Yet study participants told to eat all they want on non-fast days regularly report eating only slightly more than they ordinarily do. The biggest obstacle to fasting is fear. Our brains evolved to persuade us to eat as much as we can as often as we can to guard against future hunger. That was an effective strategy in a food-deprived environment. But in our modern world of inexpensive, easy-to-access, fatty, salty and sweetened foods, it’s a decided handicap. If you’d like to give fasting a go, you might begin by watching Dr. Mosley’s documentary, widely available on the Internet. In a follow-up book, he also offers these tips: Find a friend or family member to join you… or at least support you in your endeavor. Which two days you fast each week are unimportant, any two nonconsecutive days will do. But for scheduling reasons, many find that Mondays and Thursdays work best. Try fasting from 2 to 2. Most daily fasts are from morning until night. But they needn’t be. Any 24-hour period will do. You may find it easier to fast, say, from 2 p.m. one day until 2 p.m. the next. When tempted to eat, always wait 10 or 15 minutes to see if the hunger subsides. Stay hydrated. You can be tempted to eat when you are only thirsty. Distract yourself, if necessary, with a walk, a phone call or anything that takes your mind off eating. As fasting advocate Brad Pilon notes, “No one’s hungry the first few seconds of a sky dive.” Prep your fast-day food in advance. This keeps you from the dangerous temptation of foraging in the pantry or fridge. Whatever you eat on a fast day, relish it. Go slow. Many describe fasting as the equivalent of hitting a reset button for your entire body. You may fear that going an entire day while consuming 600 calories or less is sheer torture. But anyone who has had to prep for a colonoscopy knows that a day without eating is hardly the end of the world. Mosley reports that men enjoy intermittent fasting because it is uncomplicated, requires no cooking skills, and can be viewed as a challenging but enjoyable test of willpower. Women tend to like it because it’s easy to implement, their bodies respond to it rapidly and while they may not be eating their beloved chocolate today, they know they will be tomorrow. Intermittent fasting is not an invitation to binge and starve. It is calibrated and sensible. Over time most fasters see their appetites moderate. And while it may seem like a tough slog at first, over time the sense of deprivation diminishes and eating this way becomes second nature. Not everyone should fast, of course. The list includes children, pregnant women, people with underlying medical conditions or those who are already too thin. But for the rest of us, there are good reasons to give it a try: a self-repairing physiology, greater disease resistance, a cognitive boost, and improved longevity. And, not least of all, steady and sustainable weight loss. Dr. Mosley reports that he dropped pounds so rapidly that he switched to fasting just one day a week once he reached his ideal weight. In short, intermittent fasting offers a host of physical and psychological benefits. It is not a diet, but a sustainable strategy for a longer, healthier life. You stand to gain a lot… and perhaps lose a bit, as well.

Monday, July 15, 2013


GemstonesGemstones are defined as organic materials, mineral or rock that are used for several purposes. Like for instance, they are used in jewelleries, ornamentations and other art forms. Gemstones like pearl or opals are commonly styled into art or jewellery and they do not require any sort of polishing or cuts. They can be called as gemstones, but not gems. On the other hand, Diamond is a type of gem that needs proper cutting as well as polishing for making its true beauty visible. Gemstones are also known as crystalline rock. Gemstones appear like a piece of attractive mineral. Origin of Gemstones The origin of gemstones is from deep beneath the earth, while the others are formed from hot fluids and other chemical components. The gemstones that are formed deep beneath the earth ultimately brought to the surface by explosions of molten rocks. Some stones are also crystallised slowly from hot fluids and gases as they cooled and solidified eventually. These stones are formed far below the surface of the earth. Others stones are formed from liquids that are filtered into crack and pockets in the rock. Some stones are formed when rocks were heated and pressurised by the natural earth movements, and then again formed as a new, different mineral altogether. Characteristics of Gemstones The characteristics of gemstones can be explained by technical terminology. This is the specific subject for the gemologists. Gems are characterised by means of their refractive index, specific gravity, hardness, dispersion, luster, etc. They may exhibit pleochroism or double refraction. Gemstones may also have a distinctive absorption spectrum and luminescence. The gem may occur in certain locations; this is popularly known as `occurrence`. Classification of Gemstones There are around 30 popular varieties of gemstones and many rarer collector gemstones. Some varieties of gemstones have been treasured since pre-historic times while several others were discovered recently. Gemstones are classified on the basis of succeeding characteristics such as Crystal Structure, Optical Characteristics, Chemical Composition, Specific Gravity, and Durability. Grading of Gemstones Many years ago, there were only two types of gemstones. Some of them were precious while some were semi-precious. Some basic principles are involved in grading gemstones of both types. There are 4 C`s regarding gemstones. These can be mentioned as colour, clarity, cut, and carat weight. One of the significant factors for determining the value of coloured gemstones is comprehensive colour grading. Unlike diamonds, where the cut is one of the most important factors, the `colour` of coloured gemstones can influence as much as fifty percent of a gemstone`s value. Most of the gemstones are cut and polished for usage. Stones, which are opaque, are commonly cut as cabochons whereas the transparent gems are normally faceted. Colour of Gemstones The actual colour of a gemstone is because of the reflective and absorptive properties of any elements or impurities within the precious stone. This colour does not include any optical effects caused by reflection or refraction. It is said that gemstones are the most deeply coloured natural material. In fact they have become a sort of synonymous with colour that nowadays mostly people recognise them with their colours. The colours of gemstones have a wide range of variations. Synthetic Gemstones Some gemstones are manufactured to replicate other gemstones. But these artificial synthetic gemstones copy the look and colour of the real stone but possess neither their chemical nor physical characteristics as well. There are around 130 varieties of minerals that have been cut into gems with 50 species in common use. Power of Gemstones Gems are largely used as an astrological remedy to counteract unpleasant effects of different planets. The ancient prophets of India used to call them as `ratnas`. They also used them to help an individual native. Among the many gemstones, the lunar astrology advocated the use of nine stones to counteract the adverse effect of the planets. But these gemstones should be carefully selected according to the planetary positions and these can bring about prosperity, mental peace and success. Semi-Precious Gemstones The use of semiprecious stones has been very popular in the country since time immemorial. There are around 84 different types of gemstones, out of which only 8 gems have been described as precious and the remaining are called semi-precious gems. Most of them are used for making cutlery, idols and ornamental items. Significance of Gemstones Gemstones often carry significant role in the wearer`s life. People like to wear them but most of them do not have any idea how the gemstones are made and why they are so precious. Many gemstones have healing and medicinal power that protect against the bad effect of planets. They are also known to boost the spiritual power in a person`s body. Research has proved that gemstones usually heal people suffering from dangerous and fatal illnesses by energizing them as well. Gem Therapy The healing power of gems is not entirely an illogical belief. If it were, oral administration of gems as oxides and powder would never be so extensively practiced and so effective. Ayurvedic medicines and the Greek system, known as the Unani system in India, both utilize gems. Practitioners of these systems have studied gems and their typical effects on human organs, because gems are mineral in pure crystalline form and human body is composed of the same materials. Gems provide the lacking colour in any human body for which the person may suffer from various diseases. Navratna Gemstones Navratna gemstones are the set of nine precious stones that are related to nine ruling planets. A person should wear either the ring of a single gemstone or a set of nine precious stones. This navratna gemstone is worn to increase the power of planets and for removing their malevolent effects. Gemstones for Planets There are many gemstones, which are effective for planets. These can be mentioned as Blue Sapphire that is gemstone for Saturn planet, Cat`s eye that is gemstone of Ketu planet, Coral, which is the gemstone for Mars planet, Emerald that is the gemstone for Mercury planet, Gomed that is gem stone of Rahu planet, Ruby that is the gemstone for Sun, Pearl that is the gemstone for Moon, and Yellow Sapphire that is the Gemstone of Jupiter planet. Types of Gemstones There are various types of gemstones present. All the gemstones are basically differentiated in two distinct groups of precious and semi-precious stones. Diamonds have also been considered as the most valuable of such stones. Other precious gemstones are rubies, emeralds, topaz, zircon and sapphires used in a wide range of purposes. Amethyst, opal, aquamarine, jade, turquoise, garnet, agate, onyx, apis lazuli, and malachite are some of the popular semi-precious stones. Gemstones are highly prized and are known for their beauty, durability, and rarity.


More... GemstonesGemstones are defined as organic materials, mineral or rock that are used for several purposes. Like for instance, they are used in jewelleries, ornamentations and other art forms. Gemstones like pearl or opals are commonly styled into art or jewellery and they do not require any sort of polishing or cuts. They can be called as gemstones, but not gems. On the other hand, Diamond is a type of gem that needs proper cutting as well as polishing for making its true beauty visible. Gemstones are also known as crystalline rock. Gemstones appear like a piece of attractive mineral. Origin of Gemstones The origin of gemstones is from deep beneath the earth, while the others are formed from hot fluids and other chemical components. The gemstones that are formed deep beneath the earth ultimately brought to the surface by explosions of molten rocks. Some stones are also crystallised slowly from hot fluids and gases as they cooled and solidified eventually. These stones are formed far below the surface of the earth. Others stones are formed from liquids that are filtered into crack and pockets in the rock. Some stones are formed when rocks were heated and pressurised by the natural earth movements, and then again formed as a new, different mineral altogether. Characteristics of Gemstones The characteristics of gemstones can be explained by technical terminology. This is the specific subject for the gemologists. Gems are characterised by means of their refractive index, specific gravity, hardness, dispersion, luster, etc. They may exhibit pleochroism or double refraction. Gemstones may also have a distinctive absorption spectrum and luminescence. The gem may occur in certain locations; this is popularly known as `occurrence`. Classification of Gemstones There are around 30 popular varieties of gemstones and many rarer collector gemstones. Some varieties of gemstones have been treasured since pre-historic times while several others were discovered recently. Gemstones are classified on the basis of succeeding characteristics such as Crystal Structure, Optical Characteristics, Chemical Composition, Specific Gravity, and Durability. Grading of Gemstones Many years ago, there were only two types of gemstones. Some of them were precious while some were semi-precious. Some basic principles are involved in grading gemstones of both types. There are 4 C`s regarding gemstones. These can be mentioned as colour, clarity, cut, and carat weight. One of the significant factors for determining the value of coloured gemstones is comprehensive colour grading. Unlike diamonds, where the cut is one of the most important factors, the `colour` of coloured gemstones can influence as much as fifty percent of a gemstone`s value. Most of the gemstones are cut and polished for usage. Stones, which are opaque, are commonly cut as cabochons whereas the transparent gems are normally faceted. Colour of Gemstones The actual colour of a gemstone is because of the reflective and absorptive properties of any elements or impurities within the precious stone. This colour does not include any optical effects caused by reflection or refraction. It is said that gemstones are the most deeply coloured natural material. In fact they have become a sort of synonymous with colour that nowadays mostly people recognise them with their colours. The colours of gemstones have a wide range of variations. Synthetic Gemstones Some gemstones are manufactured to replicate other gemstones. But these artificial synthetic gemstones copy the look and colour of the real stone but possess neither their chemical nor physical characteristics as well. There are around 130 varieties of minerals that have been cut into gems with 50 species in common use. Power of Gemstones Gems are largely used as an astrological remedy to counteract unpleasant effects of different planets. The ancient prophets of India used to call them as `ratnas`. They also used them to help an individual native. Among the many gemstones, the lunar astrology advocated the use of nine stones to counteract the adverse effect of the planets. But these gemstones should be carefully selected according to the planetary positions and these can bring about prosperity, mental peace and success. Semi-Precious Gemstones The use of semiprecious stones has been very popular in the country since time immemorial. There are around 84 different types of gemstones, out of which only 8 gems have been described as precious and the remaining are called semi-precious gems. Most of them are used for making cutlery, idols and ornamental items. Significance of Gemstones Gemstones often carry significant role in the wearer`s life. People like to wear them but most of them do not have any idea how the gemstones are made and why they are so precious. Many gemstones have healing and medicinal power that protect against the bad effect of planets. They are also known to boost the spiritual power in a person`s body. Research has proved that gemstones usually heal people suffering from dangerous and fatal illnesses by energizing them as well. Gem Therapy The healing power of gems is not entirely an illogical belief. If it were, oral administration of gems as oxides and powder would never be so extensively practiced and so effective. Ayurvedic medicines and the Greek system, known as the Unani system in India, both utilize gems. Practitioners of these systems have studied gems and their typical effects on human organs, because gems are mineral in pure crystalline form and human body is composed of the same materials. Gems provide the lacking colour in any human body for which the person may suffer from various diseases. Navratna Gemstones Navratna gemstones are the set of nine precious stones that are related to nine ruling planets. A person should wear either the ring of a single gemstone or a set of nine precious stones. This navratna gemstone is worn to increase the power of planets and for removing their malevolent effects. Gemstones for Planets There are many gemstones, which are effective for planets. These can be mentioned as Blue Sapphire that is gemstone for Saturn planet, Cat`s eye that is gemstone of Ketu planet, Coral, which is the gemstone for Mars planet, Emerald that is the gemstone for Mercury planet, Gomed that is gem stone of Rahu planet, Ruby that is the gemstone for Sun, Pearl that is the gemstone for Moon, and Yellow Sapphire that is the Gemstone of Jupiter planet. Types of Gemstones There are various types of gemstones present. All the gemstones are basically differentiated in two distinct groups of precious and semi-precious stones. Diamonds have also been considered as the most valuable of such stones. Other precious gemstones are rubies, emeralds, topaz, zircon and sapphires used in a wide range of purposes. Amethyst, opal, aquamarine, jade, turquoise, garnet, agate, onyx, apis lazuli, and malachite are some of the popular semi-precious stones. Gemstones are highly prized and are known for their beauty, durability, and rarity.

Msudra , Science of Gesture

Mudra , Science of GesturesMudra is a gesture by hand or seal which symbolizes energy. This is one of the most beautiful forms of expression by using the fingers and thumb. Mudra is a voluntary neuromuscular action (contraction) or posture by which the prana is controlled and directed through a particular nadi, known as Mudra. That is why Viparita Karani Mudra is practiced as an asana with a limited objective at the physical level. Mudra also means Seal or the cast (mould), Stamp, impression, currency, gesture, a body position which provides pleasure and joy, symbol and action with some expression on the face. It is also known as the ritual or symbolic gesture which is practiced from very old times in Buddhism and Hinduism. Mudra calls for the involvement of the whole body and it is performed by the use of fingers of both the hands and the hands as well. Mudra is regarded as energetic or the `seal of authenticity` utilized in the Indian religious spiritual practice. There are references of Mudras in the philosophies of the Eastern world and it is also a part of Yogic practice and culture. Mudra is justly defined as a mystical gesture of the hand in order to focus elusive energy by symbols. Moreover, the bandhas are also included in the mudras. The reason is probably that they are only four in number. Usually they are practiced as an essential part of pranayama. When they are practiced without pranayama, they are mudras. Therefore, mudras, which are practiced in pranayama, are known as bandhas. They bind and direct the current of prana from a particular region and generate specific impulse. When these impulses are understood at the experiential level, the prana or the force or vital energy, can be directed further through the specific route or nadi. Gherand Samhita speaks of about 25 mudras in 100 verses. Tantra mentions Ankush mudra, Abhaya mudra, Kumbha mudra, Vara mudra, and Shankha mudra. In Goroksha Shatak, only six mudras are described. The word mudra is not limited to yoga. They are also included in Tantra (e.g., Vijay Tantra, which saves a person from evil) and the art of Indian traditional dance as well as drama. Unlike in Hatha Yoga, in Tantra the importance is given to the special arrangements of the fingers and hands. While in Indian dance and drama, mudras are done with the help of face and eyes. The purpose is clearly of an expression or indication of the feelings. The term `mudra` is derived from two words; `mud` and `ra`. Here, `mud` means to rejoice or to be happy and `ra` means `to give`. Thus, Mudra is an action which offers delight or extreme joy. This is an indication that the practice of mudra is concerned with sensory aspect. Concept of Mudras Mudras` concept depends upon all the fingers of both the hands of an individual. Each of the fingers is linked with specific meaning and energy. The accurate use of the fingers provides the Mudra with the energy to heal. Fingers are stated to bear the human body`s five elements, which are air, water, fire, earth and sky. These are there in set proportions and a slight imbalance may cause severe disaster. The striking of balance in between these elements is however not easy. Thus, the practice of Mudra facilitates the harmonizing of the five elements present in the human body. An elaborate study concerning the fingers and their links with the five elements unveils the fact that the element earth, worry and stomach are represented by the thumb. Index finger of a human being comprises of the element metal and has an influence over the large intestine, lungs, and also the control over emotions like sadness, depression and grief. The hand`s middle finger is regarded as the element fire which is connected with the small intestine, heart, respiratory and circulatory systems and the emotions include hastiness and impatience. The element wood is constituted by the ring finger and the same is associated with the gall bladder, liver and nervous system, and represents anger, while the little finger represents water, fear and kidney. Apart from this, the fingers of the hands are linked to profound meaning in palmistry and astrology. The hand`s little finger is Mercury which is associated with communication. The little finger is also linked with the second chakra. Ring finger is linked to the Sun God called Apollo, and it refers to the association and it forms the root chakra. The middle finger is associated with Saturn and it denotes responsibility and is linked with throat chakra, which is the entrance to purity. The index finger is related to Jupiter and it denotes self-worth and is linked to heart chakra. Lastly, the thumb is linked to Mars, and this denotes self-assertion and is relates to the element of fire. Origin of Mudras Mudras have an ancient origin. As per mythology, Lord Shiva is regarded to have started the basic Mudras. Mudra practice is prevalent all over the world. Mudra is found in all forms and is used in dance, religion, art and also in Tantra. The importance of Mudra is both esoteric and exoteric. It also forms an useful identification of the Bodhisattvas, the Buddha and deities. The science dealing with finger postures or the Mudra Vigyan holds a significant position in ancient Indian Sciences. Science of Mudra is very much interesting. For harmonizing the mind`s undercurrents, Mudra science is regarded very much significant. Moreover, the Mudra science of Mudra Vigyan is the feature which helps one to practice meditation. Mudras are always regarded as a mysterious science. Thus, Mudra Vigyan is an independent and separate branch of yoga. Furthermore, Mudra Vigyan represents the five fingers that represent the five tattvas. Purpose of Mudra The most prominent purpose of Mudra is to boost the soul of a human being and encourage the individual in order to secure divine powers. Mudras help in keeping the body in perfect condition. Apart from giving spiritual gains, Mudras are also known to be of great therapeutic use. Research on Mudra has revealed several gains by practicing Mudras. Mudras are described as emotional, devotional, psychic and aesthetic attitudes or gestures. Several kinds of Mudras are brought in for varied uses. Yogis have reckoned Mudras as postures of energy flow and associated them to pranic force of individuals with the cosmic or universal force. As per Hathapradipika and Shiv Samhita there are ten types of mudras which are Mahamudra, Mahabandha, Mahauedha, Khechari, Uddiyan, Mula bandha, Jalandhara bandha, Viperita karani, Vajroli and Shaktichalana. Vajroli is further subdivided into Amroli and Sahajoli. According to Hathapradipika, Mudras are practiced in order to awake the Kundalini power or the Kundalini Prabodhana while Gherand Samhita recommends it for stability or sthirata and equilibrium. Mudras are practiced to stimulate a particular neuromuscular area (e.g., anal sphincters as in Ashwini Mudra) of the body by voluntary muscular contraction maintained for some length of time or repeated with counter relaxation. This generates currents of energy that travel upward and they minimize the activity of mind and the sadhaka experiences the emotional and mental stability. Mudra Vigyan - five fingers which are the representation of five tattvasBenefits of Mudras The benefits obtained from Mudra are large in number, since Mudra Vigyan is used in different ways. Mudra helps in maintaining the smooth energy flow by the `nadis` which nourish the internal organs of human body. Mudras in therapeutic use have also gained prominence. A regular practice of Mudras can cure arthritis, insomnia and memory loss. Mudras can be practiced to get a particular state of consciousness. Apart from these, mastering the Mudras will help an individual to reject the thoughts of negative nature which will help in mood elevation. Mudras can also be applied in meditation. Meditation and Mudra together can provide a change of human mind. Colour and Mudras form an exclusive combination and arouses positive energy in the human mind, body and soul. Mudras comprise of the slight physical movements which change attitude, mood and perception, and it also deepens the concentration and awareness. Mudra is a term which has universal application. It generally brings in unbelievable improvements and changes in the human body. Mudras also create power in order to offer happiness and peace. Mudras are practiced before or after yoga practices like asanas or pranayama. Mudras form a part of the seven practices which yogis employ in order to listen to their inner sounds. A wide variety of Mudras may be practiced with no difficulty; mainly to assist the visualization of sushumna. Several Mudras are usually associated with the hands and are utilized in Indian dancing including Chit-Mudra which denotes wisdom or chit of the utmost consciousness.